UAT Foundations of Meridian Interactions

The UAT model was created by Jonathan Shubs to help explain the underlying principles of meridian or channel systems and how they communicate or interact.
Jonathan is comes from an integrative mindset, the UAT facilitates inter-disciplinary approaches to acupuncture.
Having the opportunity to study under Daniel Deriaz at the start of my academic career introduced me to the various types of acupuncture that existed and opened my eyes to the limitless possibilities. Upon completion of my formal acupuncture training I went on a quest to learn and acquire as many different styles and techniques that I could. This ranged from Worsley style 5 element, to Manaka Japanese style acupuncture, to Master Tung acupuncture, to Korean Sa’am 4 needle technic, and finally to Dr. Teh-Fu Tan and his balance method. It was with Dr. Tan that I was able to find a common thread between these different styles and allowed me to combine them into practical clinical treatments. Jonathan Shubs.

About UAT Foundations Content
This course introduces the Unified Acupuncture Theory (UAT). The UAT model is a tool that explains the underlying principles of meridian systems and interactions. The UAT uses inter-disciplinary approaches to acupuncture. Having a simple system that underlies all major acupuncture systems (Balance Method, I Ching, distal needling, 5 element theory, Saam acupuncture, Japanese acupuncture, Manaka acupuncture, TCM, etc.) allows practitioners to incorporate many different approaches into a coherent system for effective treatments.
In the UAT Foundations course you learn working principles about the how the following systems work and why they work:
- Dr. Tan’s Balance Method
- Distal needling approaches with imaging and mirroring theory
- Master Tung’s acupuncture underlying method
- Japanese Meridian Theory
- Applied channel theory for rapid results
Based on the I Ching, Yin/Yang and classical TCM theory, you get a clear understanding of how meridians interact using six different systems. Upon completion of the course you will be able to immediately apply the learned principles in your clinic and integrate it into your pre-existing knowledge of acupuncture.
In your clinical practice, after this course you will be able to apply the following:
- Assess the pain and localized symptoms using meridian theory
- Identify the affected meridian(s) and learning how to choose the most effective meridian(s) to interact
- Use imaging and mirroring approach to choose the best place for the needle placement
- This course is for licensed acupuncturists or senior level students of acupuncture.
Dates : 3rd and 4th September 2022
ADDRESS:Clayton Hotel Leopardstown Sandyford Business District Central Park, Dublin 18, D18 K2P1
FEES : 397 euros (discount for previous students - please message us at for 100 euro off fees)